Sunday, 30 September 2012

test 1 finction links

I was googling each function for myself, then I thought way not actually link them from the I did!

Please leave a comment for any possible mistakes or something...

possible test question

d3d->CreateDevice( ) //returns &d3dd
sprite->D3DCreateSprite() //returns &sprite
//com Direct3D object

 d3dd -> Clear ()
// { single frame
  d3dd -> BeginScene()
  //[ drawing graphic
 // ]
 d3dd ->EndScene()

 d3dd -> Present()

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Blue Screen

The team is setup allready, also the game has been more or less decided.
you can view our team page here

Friday, 31 August 2012

First Post...

Just thought to get a head start and add myself ti the student list and create this first post...

If you go and check out what we are going to be doing in this class, you might be intimidated... well I guess you should be! Nevertheless, I think it sounds cool, but maaann its gonna be a drag!...